Nunc nec massa dictum, venenatis nisl aliquam, vulputate sapien. Proin diam augue, varius sit amet gravida vel, cursus vel lorem. Integer leo elit, faucibus non massa vitae, euismod condimentum sapien. Sed pretium, erat eget dictum finibus, orci dui rutrum turpis, id molestie metus tortor laoreet orci.
Quisque viverra, tellus ut faucibus eleifend, mauris metus porta elit, pellentesque dignissim turpis erat ut ligula. Cras massa sem, accumsan eu eros vel, varius iaculis nunc. Morbi condimentum ipsum sit amet lacus interdum, at euismod quam ornare. Proin ante augue, dapibus in ipsum sit amet, fermentum auctor metus. Proin hendrerit viverra orci, id finibus tortor consectetur nec. Aliquam nec purus erat. Curabitur ultricies elementum tortor, sit amet porttitor neque tempor et. Proin convallis consectetur lectus sit amet ullamcorper. Vestibulum commodo scelerisque mauris, et euismod nibh. Cras posuere, est vitae dictum posuere, lorem massa mattis augue, in blandit nulla augue pellentesque velit.
Software should encourage and support innovation, promote sustainability by using resources wisely, enable global collaboration, improve the user experience, and give a competitive edge in various industries. In today's world, software is essential for both personal and business use. Software is a powerful tool that offers many advantages.
It can automate repetitive tasks
Save money by working efficiently
Ensure accuracy, and process data quickly.
If developed effectively it will also:
Easily handle more work as needed
Maintain consistent processes
Help with organising data effectively.
Experience Our Application’s in Action. Discover how we can streamline your workflows, to help you achieve your goals faster.
The Kindocoin Challenge was developed by NHS Scotland to create stronger, digitally connected communities.
Increasing levels of volunteering in the community providing the ability to connect in real-time.
Allow for the quicker validation of volunteers.
Recognise volunteering contributions.
Support the capture of data on citizens.
Include Health and Social Care staff.
We explored the current challenges and support requirements from discharge point of NHS Lothian.
We engaged with voluntary organisations, community project leaders and private business to evaluate their support and identify motivation potential for these organisations to donate annual commitments in resource hours
Finally, we developed a high-level design specification for a commercial software solution with mobile capability.
Here is the video we made about it.